Author: Wang​ũi

  • winter rain

    It starts off slow, cautious,tiptoes onto your old tin roof.A little bit here,A little bit there.Then before you know it,there’s multiple drops courting your single roofwith stories of their travelsaround this huge lonesome city,that is so cold in winter.No wonder they seek,the warm companionship of this old roof.These winter drops…

  • garden walks: horta do ciclista

    garden walks: horta do ciclista

    It is easy to miss Horta do Ciclista (the Cyclist’s Garden) in Praça Ciclista at the corner of Avenida Paulista and Rua Consolação in São Paulo. Especially if you did not know where it was located as I did (not) when I first went walking on Paulista on an assignment…

  • taking the bus in são paulo

    taking the bus in são paulo

    Practical advice for taking the bus to the metro in São Paulo: take the second one. …yes I know,you’re worried about being late to work-2 hour transit is no joke- but DON’T!Take the 2nd one: your knees and back will thank you,As the driver takes that sharp corner,and descends one…

  • paulista cyclists

    I think I’m a little bit jealousEverytime I see these cyclistsRide carefree down Avenida Paulista. It’s not because I envy their,Carbon dioxide reducing acts,No,It’s not even because,Even if I could, Paulista would not be,My first pick for riding a bicycle…Or driving a car. You see,they’re balancing on less than 5…

  • my inspiration

    my inspiration

    During the fall of 2012, I participated in the study abroad programme IHP- International Honors Programme- Cities in the 21st Century. The programme was multi-destinational and we travelled in a group of about 35 students, 3 faculty and one travelling fellow to New Orleans, USA; São Paulo & Curitiba, Brazil;…

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