These are some of my writings in other fora, as well as features and interviews I have given.
Decolonising My Soul: My Journey to Reclaim African Spirituality — Elephant (Read the article)
GEN Impact Videos, Wangui wa Kamonji — Global Environments Network (Watch the video)
‘African Goddesses’ Taps Dance Folklore to Honour Women — Business Daily (Read the article)
Storytelling Festival Unites Africans in Kenya — Africa News (Read the article)
Kenya, Redonner Vie Aux Contes Traditionnels (Giving Life Back to Traditional Tales) — Africa 24 (Watch the video)
At the French Alliance, the African Tradition of Tale in the Spotlight — RFI (Read the article)
Africans in their Environments — Transition Network Series on African Environmentalism (Read the articles)
Neighbourhood Improvement in Mexico City — Polisblog (Read the article)
Decolonising in Practice: Reviving Knowledge and Traditions in the 21st Century — Brainstorm (Read the article)
Homo naledi and reflections on Open Access in a still-closed world — Trust for African Rock Art (Read the article)
A Year Later: On Being ‘Back’ by Wangũi Kamonji ‘13 — Alternative Class Notes (Read the article)
Trash Fantastic: Communication, design and sustainable waste management — This Big City (Read the article)
Trash Fantastic: Learning from cities across the globe to create the best trash can — This Big City (Read the article)
Bartering and sustainable cities: shaping a different value system in São Paulo — This Big City (Read the article)
Wellesley 100: a constantly evolving list of 100 marvellous things about Wellesley. #80: Mamaland (Watch the video)