Tag: climate disruption

nairobi in winter

This cold that takes residence in, chills, and sets your bones. You’re seated inside but you might as well have been walking outside in a Wellesley winter. Seated in these stone houses: borrowed, gifted, stolen, forced- they were not meant for the unwarmed cold. They come with chimneys, diligently built into every sitting room. And as diligently used to prop wooden flowerpots, store old newspapers, and confound the odd bat…

climate change vignettes

Climate change, changes to long-standing weather patterns in response to changes in the atmosphere (forcings), is happening today, perhaps has always been happening. In our world today, the largest forcing is human produced greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, methane and other byproducts of various human activities. Change can mean different things for different people depending on where one is. It could mean more rainfall, warmer dry spells, frequent intense storms,…