Tag: community development

going farther together for peace and sustainability – lvpsc

The Lake Victoria Peace and Sustainability Centre is based on Rusinga Island on Nam Lolwe, the source of the Nile. I visited with this network of organisations on the invitation of Solomon who I met during the Non Violent Communication training I attended last year. The network is made up of about 30 organisations that work on different issues on the island including childrens’ safety, food security, beach maintenance, fishers’…

improving neighbourhoods in mexico city

I did an interview with a good friend I met through my host, Fernando Díaz Enciso in Mexico City, Manuel Luis Labra that was featured on the blog Polis. Manuel was directly involved in the design and implementation of a city-wide neighbourhood improvement initiative known as Programa Comunitario Mejoramiento Barrial – Community Neighbourhood Improvement Programme. It’s an excellent programme, model, and has already had great impact in the 9 years…

ecobarrios bogotá, a reflection

Meeting in San Cristóbal, 25 Jan 2014 @ 9 am. We arrive. There is a group of people clearing the bushes and branches surrounding a particular house. Apparently, a group of thieves/drug users had taken up in the house and this is a way to increase visibility for community scrutiny and improved safety. I am impressed at the group effort evident. Young and old with machetes in hand. The meeting…

first night

We walked up, We kept walking up. I was sure I would never leave the place- What? And suffer this treacherous walk again? No way. Slightly drunk- it was the holidays- he stumblingly stopped, at a dark spot on the curved road. Dark because of the ravine, from which shot up tall tall trees. Dark too because it was night. I half-feared for my luggage, So close was he to…