Tag: goodbyes

  • true questions

    (conversation) “E a onde você mora?” “…não sei” “Não sabe? Como não sabe?” On the drive from the airport to the hostel my friend and I were staying in in Salvador, the driver asked me one of the truest questions anyone ever has, and I gave him an answer that…

  • goodbye poem

    São Paulo by morning- when I last left you, já era noite. But in this morning light I see your predios, tall, multi-floor- um pedaço do ceu pra cada um, housing your workers- some of them. And in between, a glimpse of Baiano brick- It’s not all street and concrete.…

  • in honour of my…

    In honour of my last day in Brasilândia I am going to keep sitting at this bus-stop until the chips lady finishes setting up and makes her first batch. There shall be more buses later.

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