Tag: healing

invitation to support me to learn the resilience toolkit

I am hosting a crowdfunding campaign to raise the fees for participation in the Resilience Toolkit Certification programme by Lumos Transforms starting in January 2021. The Resilience Toolkit is “a system for reducing stress and growing resilience in individuals, organizations, and communities so they can envision, create, and implement positive change.” The 18 week programme will involve lectures, small group mentoring and discussion, peer and independent practice sessions, suggested reading and…

on grief – a meditation in 3 part harmony

GRIEF AND REST “Rest? Grief? I don’t have time for that” she said to me. Collectively we are in awakened deep generational pain. Awakening to the ways colonialism never truly ended. Awakening to the thieving of the colonial State both past and present. Awakening to the ways in which we are made disposable. Awakening to the places where trust and community are broken and need to be rebuilt. Even for…

healing trauma: mutual recognition and responsibility

Dr Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela gave a talk yesterday at my campus drawing from her research and work on the truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) in South Africa following the trauma of Apartheid. In her talk titled Recognition and Mutual Transformation: Reflecting on the Reparative Humanism of Ubuntu and Inimba she was drawing upon two cultural concepts from South Africa, ubuntu and inimba to conceptualise how it might be possible for empathy…

life update

It’s been a while since I have done a life update post so here goes. I decided to take a sabbatical this year to focus on healing and skilling myself up in preparation for the work that I believe I am called to do. This to me is to heal and reconnect community relationships, and to heal and reconnect our relationship with the earth. Here’s some of what I’ve been…