Tag: jongo

25 images of transition in brazil

I spent two and a half months working alongside various initiatives that were part of a larger Transition Brasilândia network while in São Paulo, Brazil. Brasilândia is located in the North East of the city, and a 2 hour and multiple bus ride away from the centre of São Paulo. It is also the only Transition Initative located in a low-income neighbourhood. These 25 images exemplify some of the amazing…

drums heating up

      Dimas and Ro take turns checking the readiness of the drums: ta! ta! on the biggest drum- almost ready;ta! on the middle-sized one- this one too;ta! ta! … ta! ta! ta!the smaller ones- candongueros are not quite done yet.One more application of cachaça, and move them closer to the flames,that should do it. And add some wood to the fire. read the full post here