Tag: Mexico

el programa mejoramiento barrial en la ciudad de méxico

For the English version click here La Ciudad de México es una de las más grandes del mundo con una populación de 21 millones de gente. De esta casi un tercero vive en barrios informales, o sin servicios básicas. Además, como muchas otras ciudades, Ciudad de México es segregada por clases sociales y económicas. En este ambiente surgió un programa de mejoramiento de barrios que está cambiando los barrios por…

back to mexico!

I am back in Mexico after 2 years. I came for a few reasons. One being that the programme I am about to embark on begins in San Francisco and I didn’t know when I would be this close to Mexico again. So I took advantage of that to come visit my friends and family here. Tambien, I felt that I needed a “top-up” of my spirit before this programme…

new city- dar es salaam

I arrived at Kigamboni Community Centre in Kigamboni, a peninsula across the creek from the centre of Dar es Salaam earlier this week. I have been settling in, beginning to hash out tasks I will be involved in, participating in others (dance, teaching English) and so on. Being in a community centre again, I am noticing things, or things are impressing themselves in a new way about how community centres…


Remember when I wondered why I hadn’t gone to Colombia? Well I decided to go to Bogotá after all – I will be spending a month, beginning tomorrow, in the eco-neighbourhood project in the neighbourhoods in the east of Bogotá en Los Cerros Oriantales. (After which I will come back to Santo Domingo). I want to visit with them and learn how they managed to keep going with an eco-neighbourhood…

de ecoaldeas a ecobarrios

A few weeks ago I visited Huehuecoyotl Ecovillage in Morelos, Mexico. The idea to begin the ecobarrios project in Santo Domingo and other parts of Coyoacan began here with one of the founders, Alberto Ruz Buenfil, while he worked in the Delegacion of Coyoacán. Here’s a video that shows the vision they had- it is titled from ecovillages to econeighbourhoods. This was some years back. Since then however, there were…