Tag: São Paulo

waste watching in são paulo

In front of the Museo do Afrobrasil in Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, there is a five tier coloured recycling receptacle with a choice of glass (green), paper (blue), metals (yellow), plastics (red), and organics (brown) bins. The letters of some of the labels have peeled off due to age or wear leaving users to their own imagination, or the guidance of the drawings that are part of the label. The…

a feira de troca em granja viana

Read the English version here A Issa mora em Granja Viana e é uma das representantes do Transition Granja Viana. Ela acha que a feira de troca é o mais grande sucesso do grupo Transition. Ela me contou isso quando estávamos dirigindo pra casa dela num sábado para aproveitar este evento, nomeado Eco Feira, bem cedo na amanhã do domingo. Granja Viana faz parte do metropolitano de São Paulo na…

what is old is made anew

Banco do Brasil’s messengers carry their missives in these yellow cotton bags marked with the bank’s black logo. When they get old and/or sufficiently dirty, the bank donates them to the women’s group O Grupo Brasilianas that uses recycled material to make bags. These yellow oddly sized bags provide the material for some of the chicest bags these women make. The bags are received every month and are first dismantled…

hallo mexico city

I arrived in Mexico City about a week ago and I am still settling in. I am staying in an art studio that one of the founders of the place I will be working in: Centro de Artes y Oficios Escuelita Emiliano Zapata, graciously allowed me to stay in (and for free yay!) I am living alone however and not with a family as I did in São Paulo. That…

goodbye poem

São Paulo by morning- when I last left you, já era noite. But in this morning light I see your predios, tall, multi-floor- um pedaço do ceu pra cada um, housing your workers- some of them. And in between, a glimpse of Baiano brick- It’s not all street and concrete. The jacaranda tree we passed- was that your gift to me as I say goodbye? Graffiti here and there, and…