Tag: São Paulo

on billboards: são paulo, rio de janeiro, salvador de bahia

As the bus drove into Rio, it hit me- full on in my face in several metres of printed plastic mounted on metal stilts- that I was no longer in São Paulo. There were billboards all over. And then I was glad for Cidade Limpa, the law that made it illegal to mount billboards or other outdoor signs above certain size specifications. Not only does it allow you to admire…

3 reasons why I love pixação

I had a conversation with someone who is also interning in Brasilândia today and she made the comment that she hates “these writings that are not graffiti”- they make the city dirty according to her and are ugly. These sentiments are similar to some that my classmates on my study abroad programme had concerning pixação, sentiments which also included just simply not understanding it. Pixação is a form of Brazilian…

garden walks: horta do ciclista

It is easy to miss Horta do Ciclista (the Cyclist’s Garden) in Praça Ciclista at the corner of Avenida Paulista and Rua Consolação in São Paulo. Especially if you did not know where it was located as I did (not) when I first went walking on Paulista on an assignment to find urban interventions. I was back on the weekend, after first confirming the location, and spent some time walking…

taking the bus in são paulo

Practical advice for taking the bus to the metro in São Paulo: take the second one. …yes I know,you’re worried about being late to work-2 hour transit is no joke- but DON’T!Take the 2nd one: your knees and back will thank you,As the driver takes that sharp corner,and descends one more of those hills,They will thank you, I tell you. And sometimes I wish I took my own adviceand waited…

paulista cyclists

I think I’m a little bit jealousEverytime I see these cyclistsRide carefree down Avenida Paulista. It’s not because I envy their,Carbon dioxide reducing acts,No,It’s not even because,Even if I could, Paulista would not be,My first pick for riding a bicycle…Or driving a car. You see,they’re balancing on less than 5 cmof width.And there’s something so daringabout that.