Category: development

  • Could we reach for more? Reflections on revolutions in our time – the pro-good governance protests in Kenya 2024

    Could we reach for more? Reflections on revolutions in our time – the pro-good governance protests in Kenya 2024

    In June a mass protest movement began in Kenya in response to the proposed Finance Bill 2024 that would raise taxes on a range of basic goods. The face of the protests reflected the largely young population and one of the movement’s slogans was “leaderless, partyless and tribeless”. As I…

  • embodied pathways to the pluriverse – podcast

    embodied pathways to the pluriverse – podcast

    Post Growth Institute · Embodied Pathways to the Pluriverse: Transitions from Coloniality to Regeneration transitions are desperately needed, so what do we do? “Here is the final piece of my invocation: the ‘fromtheroots’ model proposes that being deeply grounded in the roots of core, calling, community and cycles while we…

  • considering nourishment on world food day [podcast]

    “On March 13th 2020, the first COVID-19 case in Kenya was reported and that was just a prelude to a “new normal” where schools, markets and offices folded operations. However, despite the pandemic sending chills down everyone’s spine, another crisis was building up at an alarming rate – job losses…

  • stories of life vs stories of death in fossil fuel rich country

    stories of life vs stories of death in fossil fuel rich country

    Kaiso is a fishing town on the SE edge of Lake Mwitanzige. The lake is currently known as Lake Albert maintaining its British colonial name. The original name means killer of locusts in Runyoro, the main language of the Banyoro people who are the indigenous folks of this area. The south-eastern…

  • my afrikanness is embodied and alive

    my afrikanness is embodied and alive

    When did you realise you were Afrikan? What does it mean to you? If you’re like me and grew up in an Afrikan country, you may not have realised your Afrikanness early on – you may not have had a reason to. Growing up in my small town outside of…

  • on development (reclaiming naming worlds)

    on development (reclaiming naming worlds)

    Development is a word and a world, A word from a certain kind of world Building. In an ecosystem of other words (progress, growth, sustainable development, adjustment, reforms, good governance, democracy) That makes a certain kind of world, Built for certain kinds of people Possible. What world? A world of…

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