In this article, I will be reflecting on my summer internship with Transition Brasilândia and Oficina da Sustentabilidade in São Paulo, Brazil and thinking about how Transition Brasilândia functions as a community development model. I wrote a personal reflection piece on working in the different groups and projects of Transition here while this one employs an analytical lens to frame the aspects of Transition Brasilândia that make it a successful…
Category: food
working with transition brasilândia- a reflection
‘A periferia se cansou de esperar a oportunidade que nunca chegava, e que viria de fora, do centro’ (Hermano Vianna) Periferia em Movimento (The periphery got tired of waiting for opportunites that were never coming, and which were to come from outside, from the central city.) I first learnt of Transition Brasilândia as I looked for organisations or social movements that embodied the vision of the environment that…
in honour of my…
In honour of my last day in Brasilândia I am going to keep sitting at this bus-stop until the chips lady finishes setting up and makes her first batch. There shall be more buses later.
garden walks: horta do ciclista
It is easy to miss Horta do Ciclista (the Cyclist’s Garden) in Praça Ciclista at the corner of Avenida Paulista and Rua Consolação in São Paulo. Especially if you did not know where it was located as I did (not) when I first went walking on Paulista on an assignment to find urban interventions. I was back on the weekend, after first confirming the location, and spent some time walking…