Category: general
postcards from lynedoch
So instead of waiting till I have my Mexico reflections typed out (which I would rather do on a laptop in order to add pictures and whatnot) I’ll begin to write short, as-I-go observations, insights and reflections from my time in South Africa. I (finally) got here towards the end…
Why didn’t I go to Colombia? Pués, who knows?! But right here is where I’m supposed to be. Right here is where I ill begin to fashion the world I want to be.
ginger tea
My family bought a lot of ginger for a meal I was making them 2 weeks ago (12 Sept). The only thing is, most of them can’t eat ginger for health reasons- for example it raises my host parents’ blood pressure. Is this something common to everyone though because I…
A few people have asked me if I am keeping a blog to document and help process this journey I am on. Enough that I have finally taken the jump and began one. I will post a few things I wrote while I was in São Paulo (I am currently…
my inspiration
During the fall of 2012, I participated in the study abroad programme IHP- International Honors Programme- Cities in the 21st Century. The programme was multi-destinational and we travelled in a group of about 35 students, 3 faculty and one travelling fellow to New Orleans, USA; São Paulo & Curitiba, Brazil;…