Category: healing

  • embodied pathways to the pluriverse – podcast

    embodied pathways to the pluriverse – podcast

    Post Growth Institute · Embodied Pathways to the Pluriverse: Transitions from Coloniality to Regeneration transitions are desperately needed, so what do we do? “Here is the final piece of my invocation: the ‘fromtheroots’ model proposes that being deeply grounded in the roots of core, calling, community and cycles while we…

  • invitation to support me to learn the resilience toolkit

    invitation to support me to learn the resilience toolkit

    I am hosting a crowdfunding campaign to raise the fees for participation in the Resilience Toolkit Certification programme by Lumos Transforms starting in January 2021. The Resilience Toolkit is “a system for reducing stress and growing resilience in individuals, organizations, and communities so they can envision, create, and implement positive change.”…

  • on grief – a meditation in 3 part harmony

    on grief – a meditation in 3 part harmony

    GRIEF AND REST “Rest? Grief? I don’t have time for that” she said to me. Collectively we are in awakened deep generational pain. Awakening to the ways colonialism never truly ended. Awakening to the thieving of the colonial State both past and present. Awakening to the ways in which we…

  • my afrikanness is embodied and alive

    my afrikanness is embodied and alive

    When did you realise you were Afrikan? What does it mean to you? If you’re like me and grew up in an Afrikan country, you may not have realised your Afrikanness early on – you may not have had a reason to. Growing up in my small town outside of…

  • why we should study afrikan history

    “Tracing African pasts through the interlinked lenses of agency, possibility and imagination allows us to counter narratives of Africa as a blank slate, to challenge the privileging of whiteness and Europeanness, and to debunk myths about Africans as people who are destructive or unchanging. It allows us to illuminate diverse…

  • it must do something to you to only be a throughway

    it must do something to you to only be a throughway

    “It must do something to you to know that you are only a throughway to a thing, body or place more desired.”   The editor asked “how are you breathing in this increasingly airless space?” in which State corruption/misappropriation of huge amounts of money just keeps increasing and increasing –…

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