Category: questions

  • we of the humus (on grief)

    we of the humus (on grief)

    What is the relationship between grief and honesty, grief and truth? I see grief as a braided rope with strands of anger, sadness, fear, disgust, all those most knotted of reactions to what we have lost, in a word, to our pain. Is grief truth because it names our most…

  • considering nourishment on world food day [podcast]

    “On March 13th 2020, the first COVID-19 case in Kenya was reported and that was just a prelude to a “new normal” where schools, markets and offices folded operations. However, despite the pandemic sending chills down everyone’s spine, another crisis was building up at an alarming rate – job losses…

  • my afrikanness is embodied and alive

    my afrikanness is embodied and alive

    When did you realise you were Afrikan? What does it mean to you? If you’re like me and grew up in an Afrikan country, you may not have realised your Afrikanness early on – you may not have had a reason to. Growing up in my small town outside of…

  • why we should study afrikan history

    “Tracing African pasts through the interlinked lenses of agency, possibility and imagination allows us to counter narratives of Africa as a blank slate, to challenge the privileging of whiteness and Europeanness, and to debunk myths about Africans as people who are destructive or unchanging. It allows us to illuminate diverse…

  • on searching to find the africa in african studies

    on searching to find the africa in african studies

    When we wrote our open letter to the department of African Studies, hoping to document our collective grievances and open a conversation about how to change and improve the course for future students, we titled it “Searching for the ‘Africa’ in African Studies”. Getting through that course and being able…

  • it must do something to you to only be a throughway

    it must do something to you to only be a throughway

    “It must do something to you to know that you are only a throughway to a thing, body or place more desired.”   The editor asked “how are you breathing in this increasingly airless space?” in which State corruption/misappropriation of huge amounts of money just keeps increasing and increasing –…

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