culturally rooted pan-african movement workshops

After a hiatus while I travelled to study, African and diaspora African dance workshops with Wangũi are back!!

I have been dancing since I was about 5 years old, and have learnt, taught, and performed in various places including Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, U.S.A., South Africa, Tanzania, U.K. and Kenya. My dance workshops are aimed at bringing culturally rooted pan-African dances to the present to hold space for healing, transformation, creativity and community and open critical discussions while having fun. I am offering dance workshops in three ways. UPDATE: in 8 ways!

Themed dance series, such as the African Goddesses series that will be launching on the 19th January at Bric a Brac Art Gallery in Karen and will be an exploration of our divine feminine through the traits, dances, and songs of 7 female African deities (Check out the event on Facebook or Mookh). Other themed series that will launch throughout the year will focus on freedom and on nature reconnection so look out for those.

african goddesses dance series nairobi


Tailor-made group workshops for organisations, co-working spaces, schools, activist spaces or groups of friends that get together and want to dance. These workshops can be geared towards transformative dialogues through dance, dance journeys through African histories (for cultural awareness, historical and critical consciousness), dance healing, or dance for community building and fun (I always bring the historical and cultural roots). Workshops could be one-offs or a series of dance classes from a particular repertoire or with a particular theme and costs depend on how many workshops we’ll be doing, and with how many people. Drop me a line if you want to organise one or a series of workshops for your group or space, or recommend that your organisation, movement or space host a dance workshop.

Below is a short clip of me teaching a choreo to Mamaland as a morning creative prelude at the Global Environments Summer Academy (GESA).

Finally with Afrika Hai, a collective fomenting the movement for regeneration that I am birthing (more later), I will be hosting a monthly Pay What You Can/Pay What You Decide open dance class so we can relearn to be in our bodies through the medicine of African dance cultures. These will start in late Jan/February so watch out for that.


Come dance with me! 🙂

Talk to me