it must do something to you to only be a throughway

“It must do something to you to know that you are only a throughway to a thing, body or place more desired.”
The editor asked “how are you breathing in this increasingly airless space?” in which State corruption/misappropriation of huge amounts of money just keeps increasing and increasing – name them, the scandals which come one after the other unstoppable, name them: Kenya Power, Maize, Dams, Lamu Coal, NYS, SGR, I can barely keep up….and we seem powerless to do something.
Stories of origin are important in indigenous ways of knowing. They tell you how you came to be in the place you are in now. They are an underlying pattern giving a guide to a people and their relations with the rest of the world.
For me, how I find air is I unearth the story of origin of the myth of Kenya, and use that to chart different paths.
Getting to the root, I feel, is necessary to make radical [from the root] changes.
The thing about patterns is that they are not fixed, and we are also not fixed to them. They are possibility, suggestions, potentials. You do what you will with the pattern.
Read my article on The Elephant here.

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