Category: reimagine

embodied pathways to the pluriverse – podcast

a model representing the framework of fromtheroots, an image of a tree with roots visible. around the roots are the words core community cycles and calling. around the branches are the phrases prevent death, heal dis-ease, add life and embody sovereignty. In the centre around the trunk a figure 8 is shown with the phrases cycles of healing, and cycles of creation on either side

Post Growth Institute · Embodied Pathways to the Pluriverse: Transitions from Coloniality to Regeneration transitions are desperately needed, so what do we do? Here is the final piece of my invocation: the ‘fromtheroots’ model proposes that being deeply grounded in the roots of core, calling, community and cycles while we engage healing and creating processes will support us to divest from coloniality and practise regeneration. Said differently, for us to…

considering nourishment on world food day [podcast]

“On March 13th 2020, the first COVID-19 case in Kenya was reported and that was just a prelude to a “new normal” where schools, markets and offices folded operations. However, despite the pandemic sending chills down everyone’s spine, another crisis was building up at an alarming rate – job losses and lack of safe, affordable and nutritious food. Formerly viewed as a “village thing”…rural thing, kitchen gardens have become a…

my afrikanness is embodied and alive

When did you realise you were Afrikan? What does it mean to you? If you’re like me and grew up in an Afrikan country, you may not have realised your Afrikanness early on – you may not have had a reason to. Growing up in my small town outside of Nairobi, Afrika did not have as much salience as my neighbourhood and town. In honesty, even Nairobi was an excessively…

why we should study afrikan history

“Tracing African pasts through the interlinked lenses of agency, possibility and imagination allows us to counter narratives of Africa as a blank slate, to challenge the privileging of whiteness and Europeanness, and to debunk myths about Africans as people who are destructive or unchanging. It allows us to illuminate diverse possibilities of human living to build on, against the hegemony of a present moment that unsees and devalues us. For…

reclaiming time + space – what pretty hides #2

I was recently again in London for a brief moment for my graduation. It’s summer and sunny and warm – the best time to be in London because you can be outside for longer periods of time. And yes indeed, summer means picnics, walks in parks, swims in ponds, lunches in parks, games in neighbourhood greens, full outdoors enjoyment of life. So much so that I thought visitors to London…

reimagining, reviving, storytelling: reclaiming

This is a post in which I gush about stories and storytelling. Reading my about page you know one of the things I am about is narratives so buckle up. What’s your favourite story, podcaster Lilly Bekele-Piper asked me in an interview a couple of days before the Reimagined Storytelling Festival. I went with a poem. One of my all time favourite poems, and one I like to perform: “Where…