joseph lentunyoi and the laikipia permaculture centre

I interviewed Joseph Lentunyoi, co-founder of the Permaculture Research Institute-Kenya and the permaculture demonstration site where I did my Permaculture Design Certificate course, Laikipia Permaculture Centre.

“What is permaculture to you?
I would define permaculture in a general way as sustainable human settlements in a holistic approach, so that everyone can take it up. Here in Laikipia, for example, we’re talking about building peace, livelihoods, and about degraded landscapes, so we take that approach.”

Have a read on the Transition Network blog to find out more about seeing and using the resources that we have, permaculture’s contribution to peacebuilding, and what empowerment is according to Lentunyoi.



One response to “joseph lentunyoi and the laikipia permaculture centre”

  1. Greg O'Neill avatar

    Hi, this is Greg O’Neill, in Spokane, Washington, USA, but moving soon to southern Oregon to establish my Earth Stewards Trust, and White Tiger Farms, ag enterprise to build a homegrown natural rubber industry for America, but it can also be done on the African continent, using two alternative plant species that yield a high quality natural rubber. What is not used after water based extraction can be kiln dried, and used to produce briquettes to replace coal as a fuel, much cleaner, and it’s a sustainable biofuel. offers modular, one megawatt plant biomass fueled syngas power generators, which produce biochar as a valuable byproduct to trap Carbon in the soil when added to compost, and with such power output plugged into ‘air to water’ units from it will be possible to bring pure water to arid lands in need of it. I also work with to educate people on the origins of all water on Earth, from within the mantle and crust of our world, produced constantly by volcanic, tectonic, and geochemical processes, no one should ever lack for access to clean, safe drinking water. I am working with friends in Ghana, South
    Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, who want to work together to bring permaculture / food forest principles to their lands, along with such things as Cob construction, and plant fiber building panels from in Malaysia. Their system has been used in Nairobi, and in Ghana, Haiti, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, to make entire
    villages, resorts, and homes with modern conveniences. There are solutions to end thirst, hunger, homelessness, poverty and energy deficits if we work together to implement them.

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