a meeting

Drinks in hand, Director with lives in his as well. Gestor, hopes and dreams in his- And they fly everywhere- An effort at transferring these intangible tangibilities Into our hands, into the director’s. Young man, bright looking- So much responsibility. Eco-hotel. Tourists. Sips. Stories. Of a land that rejected those who had left it. Somos amigos. Aqui sabemos vivir con riesgo.


Remember when I wondered why I hadn’t gone to Colombia? Well I decided to go to Bogotá after all – I will be spending a month, beginning tomorrow, in the eco-neighbourhood project in the neighbourhoods in the east of Bogotá en Los Cerros Oriantales. (After which I will come back to Santo Domingo). I want to visit with them and learn how they managed to keep going with an eco-neighbourhood…

de ecoaldeas a ecobarrios

A few weeks ago I visited Huehuecoyotl Ecovillage in Morelos, Mexico. The idea to begin the ecobarrios project in Santo Domingo and other parts of Coyoacan began here with one of the founders, Alberto Ruz Buenfil, while he worked in the Delegacion of Coyoacán. Here’s a video that shows the vision they had- it is titled from ecovillages to econeighbourhoods. This was some years back. Since then however, there were…

thoughts on language

I just read about the realisation that some documents in the possession of a family in Cape Town are important and were written in Afrikaans using Arabic script. This is the 3rd time that I have come into contact with Arabic script beng used to write languages besides Arabic (apparently such writings are known as ajami) – in Morocco in the Jewish Museum in Casablanca, there are Hebrew documents written…

ecobarrios santo domingo

In Mexico City, I am working with Proyecto Ecobarrios Santo Domingo (Eco-neighbourhoods). Santo Domingo is a Colonia in Los Pedregales de Coyoacán- the stony place of the coyotes. It is a colonia for the fact that families occupied this area on the 1st of September 1971- and it is in the Pedregales because this area was/is a lava spill. When the invasion (la invación) happened, the families that settled here…

fika vontaji

Sometimes I wonder what it means to be a woman, sheng’* speaking, running around the world (often enough that I thought to write the poem below {about Brazilian/Paulista hospitality} within my first days of being in São Paulo but didn’t, unfortunately- for the poem). The question of what language to use when I write is one that is constantly on my heart and mind (see here) but more about that…