senior citizen centre mexico

Besides eating, I also got to reconnect with old friends in Mexico. One of these friends is Manuel Labra who I interviewed for the article on the Mejoramiento Barrial programme that was featured on Polis. He took me to visit another community centre in Coyoacan in Mexico City that caters to and is majorly run by senior citizens. It’s called the Casa del Adulto Mayor y su Familia or Centre…

el programa mejoramiento barrial en la ciudad de méxico

For the English version click here La Ciudad de México es una de las más grandes del mundo con una populación de 21 millones de gente. De esta casi un tercero vive en barrios informales, o sin servicios básicas. Además, como muchas otras ciudades, Ciudad de México es segregada por clases sociales y económicas. En este ambiente surgió un programa de mejoramiento de barrios que está cambiando los barrios por…

back to mexico!

I am back in Mexico after 2 years. I came for a few reasons. One being that the programme I am about to embark on begins in San Francisco and I didn’t know when I would be this close to Mexico again. So I took advantage of that to come visit my friends and family here. Tambien, I felt that I needed a “top-up” of my spirit before this programme…

travails of (trying) to travel

…with an African passport. So, I am due to travel for the next 5 months on a programme delving into all things food. Sounds great right? And don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to it. Enter all the visa applications I have to make. Alright, a necessary evil. Enter the consulate people I have to interact with to get this done……not as fun. This was a recent Facebook…

healthy environment, healthy people

I managed to attend two side sessions of the UN environment assembly last week thanks to my communications consultancy for the waste management company Takataka Solutions. I was duly impressed. The conference was focused on the environmental aspects of the sustainable development goals (which include goals like peace and justice and inequality). The format was assembly meetings of states, and side presentations from states, non-profits and business entities on the…