whirlwind weeks

I just found this post draft on my kindle a few weeks ago (!!!) I forgot to post it then as I meant to edit it a bit more. Since that time, I finished working at KCC and had intended to go back after a short period at home and continue helping with management tasks… but those plans fell through. Finding this post is a good reminder of all that…

new city- dar es salaam

I arrived at Kigamboni Community Centre in Kigamboni, a peninsula across the creek from the centre of Dar es Salaam earlier this week. I have been settling in, beginning to hash out tasks I will be involved in, participating in others (dance, teaching English) and so on. Being in a community centre again, I am noticing things, or things are impressing themselves in a new way about how community centres…

postcards from lynedoch iv

This will be the last edition of postcards from Lynedoch as I am already in Tanzania. I wanted to write an update of how my last few weeks wrapped up though. I had mentioned the module on Facilitation for Just/Sustainable Transitions that I was going to take- I took it. It was similar to the previous module I had taken on Leadership and Environmental Ethics but at the same time…

postcards from lynedoch iii

Sitting down to the last of the themed SI lunches that were part of a master’s student’s thesis on sustainable food systems- otherwise known as how Lynedoch can feed itself locally. This one was one of the two that were African indigenous themed. That oxtail/beef stew in the pot you see there in the middle….aisee, it was a struggle to get up…

postcards from lynedoch ii

Time flies when you’re busy which is absolutely what I have been. After taking the weeklong module on Leadership and Environmental Ethics (referred to in the last post), which was an excellent reflection space and different way of teaching from what I have been used to, because it put students’ experiences at the centre of the learning, I continued to explore other facets of this space. I helped out with…